Thank you for your interest in donating to the Eastbots! There are two ways to donate. Donations made using either method are tax deductible to the extent allowed by U.S. Law.
Online Donations through K12 Payment Center
If you have an account: Log into your account, click on school fees>filters>select a school(East Chapel Hill High School)>Title(East Bots)
If you don't have an account: click on login>continue as guest>Choose a state (NC)>Choose a District (Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools)>filters>select a school(East Chapel Hill High School)>Title(East Bots)
Mailing a Check
Pay to the order of: East Chapel Hill High School
On the Memo Line: Robotics Club
Mailing address: East Chapel Hill High School
Attention: Bradley Nemitz
500 Weaver Dairy Rd
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
The school's Tax ID number is : 56-6001004