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Join Our Team!

If you go to East Chapel Hill High School fill out this interest form to apply!

Becoming an Eastbot



There will be two rounds of selection for the 2024-2025 season. The first is a short Google Form, along with attending an interest meeting to talk to mentors and leadership. The second will be based off of group activities and the first week of training. We aim to have around 40 students past the first round of selection and end with a group of 20 new students to go along with our returning members.


Interest Meetings

We will be holding an after-school interest meetings to answer any and all questions. This meeting provides an overview of everything we do as a team and how you can get involved.

For those unable to make the in person interest meeting we will be holding online interest meetings. 



As a new member, you will be expected to take on several responsibilities in addition to those outlined in the Team Code of Conduct.

  • Checking the team’s Slack daily, once you’ve joined it

    • Slack is the primary means of communication with members and an invite will be sent once your membership is confirmed

  • Attending two meetings a week throughout training and ERC

  • Attending an average of 6 hours a week during the build season

  • Attending at least one event during the competition season, which are full weekends in March or April

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